Have you ever had a tradesperson say they would come by at a certain time but then never show up? Not even a text saying “Sorry! Something came up!”? It’s all too common!
We hear a lot of complaints about businesses or tradespeople in general being unreliable, not showing up on time, or not showing up at all. Why does this happen? Tradespeople are people too! They get busy, stressed, & overworked. Trade work can often be tough to estimate how long something will take so running behind is sometimes the case. Or maybe they never really wanted your job because they have too much going on, so they said yes, but didn’t have the courage to say they were too busy to your face.
As such, please be assured that Shine Bright Property Maintenance is not like this. Look, I’m not perfect, mistakes happen, but I’ll be honest, at the time of writing, and after 4 years of running my own business, I have missed a booking once, yep, once. I was mortified when it happened.
We were managing this job that was the second biggest job we’ve ever done, and we happened to have this other very small job on and goodness I feel horrible just thinking about it, I got a text about an hour after we were supposed to be there saying “Are you still coming?” And I called the lady up straight away – I felt absolutely terrible – and gave her a nice discount and arranged to come another time. This wonderful client even rebooked the next year so we resolved the issue but goodness it was still embarrassing and awkward and I have no intention of letting that happen again. It was the only booking I’ve missed in 4 years and the fact that I can recount it with such detail hopefully shows how strongly that experience has impacted the way we run things! We will not forget you.
In regards to remembering your cleaning booking, every single job gets entered into our computer system. We use this really awesome piece of software called ServiceM8. It’s great, and that way you do not get forgotten because you’re in the system, your booking isn’t just written down on a piece of paper. The software will remind us if we forget about something for longer than we should. There’s no way for things to get lost.
Plus I, Micah, the owner of Shine Bright, run most of the office myself. With big companies, the work is often managed by a whole bunch of different people, but not here. Sequoia, my lovely wife, does most of our quotes and invoicing. Bevan helps 1-2 days a week in the office just so I can have a bit of a break and do some work on the tools myself, but mostly it’s just little old me. As a result, there’s very little to get lost in translation about your booking.
In regards to the actual booking time itself, we’ve got our software which schedules everything. You will always get a message or call from us when we are on our way, although we typically only call if we don’t have a mobile number to text for these reminders. It’s actually integrated into our scheduling software ServiceM8 that, when we start driving to your place, our software automatically sends you a text with our ETA so you know when to expect us, which is awesome.
So we build it into our processes and that way we don’t forget to keep you in the loop. Yes sometimes our software has glitches but it makes everything run much smoother than using the notes app on our phones, and we all have a better experience.

We also never rock up to your house unannounced, you’ll always get alerted when to expect us. We don’t do things like saying “Yeah, we’ll show up just ‘sometime’ tomorrow” – no, you’ll get an approximate time, and if that time changes, we’ll let you know. Reliability and punctuality are very important to us. Sometimes we’re late or early, that happens, jobs run over or under time, but the point is that we will keep you informed of the changes and we’ll let you know – we will always let you know. Your time is really important to us
If you would like to experience everything that Shine Bright Property Maintenance has to offer, please give us a call or fill out the quote request form! We would love to help with any window cleaning, gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, solar panel cleaning, or anything else that you may need help with. Wherever you are on the Central Coast, we have you covered.